世衛:Omicron 蔓延之快前所未見 應迅速行動
世界衛生組織( WHO )今天表示,COVID-19 變異株 Omicron 正以前所未見的速度蔓延,各國應迅速採取行動,遏止病毒傳播,並保護自身的醫療衛生體系。
世衛組織秘書長譚德塞( Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus )告訴記者,自從上月 Omicron 在非洲南部現蹤以來,已有77個國家通報境內出現這支新的、高度突變的 COVID-19(2019冠狀病毒疾病)變異株。
The WHO says omicron is spreading faster than any other variant — and has now been officially reported in 77 countries, though it's "probably in most countries, even if it hasn't been detected yet."https://t.co/fd7w7qqGbH
— NPR (@NPR) December 15, 2021
但他強調:「現實情況是,Omicron 可能已存在於多數國家,只是還沒有被發現而已。」
他說:「Omicron 正以我們過去未曾在其他變異株上看到的速度蔓延。」
The #Omicron #Coronavirus #variant has been detected in 77 countries since it was first identified three weeks ago, fuelling concerns that its large number of #mutations will help it spread faster and evade protection provided by #covid-19 #vaccines or prior infection. pic.twitter.com/3V273NS7vY
— ANews (@anews) December 15, 2021
同時,WHO 專家馬哈穆德( Abdi Mahamud )在記者會上表示,歐洲一些地方已開始對抗第5波疫情,由模型可以看出,Omicron 可能會在幾天內就變成歐洲部分國家最主流的變異株。
愈來愈多證據顯示,Omicron 可能比先前的幾種變異株更易突破疫苗產生的保護力。
美國輝瑞大藥廠( Pfizer )今天公布的一項研究顯示,接種兩劑輝瑞疫苗可獲得約70%的保護力,讓感染Omicron 的人免於變成重症患者;相較之下,兩劑疫苗針對感染先前幾種變異株的人,可提供93%的保護力,讓患者免於重症。
#Omicron has officially been recorded in 77 countries so far but the WHO has warned that it may have already made its way through most countries. https://t.co/gtaMGjKqIP
— Down To Earth (@down2earthindia) December 15, 2021
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