City of Stars — 賺盡掌聲的La La Land 到底好看在哪裡?

| December 28, 2016 | 0 Comments


早在8月的威尼斯電影節上,La La Land 就是本次電影節的開幕影片。影片放完後全場起立致敬,並贏得洪水般的掌聲。在不久後的9月多倫多電影節上,La La Land 更是賺取了不少人的眼淚。小編特別喜歡導演Damien Chazelle的上一部影片《進擊的鼓手 Whiplash》,對於此片也是十分期待。7月放出了La La Land的預告之後,小編就立刻被預告裡面超美的色彩和好聽的音樂吸引了。現在不少電影預告有一個問題就是把電影裡面的精華全部放進預告了,導致電影看起來索然無味,而La La Land根本沒有透露任何的劇情。聖誕之後,La La Land 就在大多數影院上映了,小編立即買了票前去。


La La Land (2016 Movie) Official Teaser Trailer – 'Audition (The Fools Who Dream)' – youtube Video




這部電影帶給了小編太大的驚喜。首先從場地說起。幾乎所有的場景都是在洛杉磯拍攝,在山雞村待了這麼久的小編在電影的帶領下又一次領略到了洛杉磯的美。從格里菲斯天文台,到Hermosa Beach,到Pasadena Colorado Street Bridge, 到Chinatown,在燈光和色彩的輔助下,導演把洛杉磯拍得真的是超美。

Pic via PlayBill

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Pic via LA Times

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Pic via The Hollywood Reporter

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Pic via YouTube

再來就是燈光和色彩。影片從一開始就大量的運用了鮮艷的色彩:大紅、大藍、大黃、大紫、大綠,讓整部歌舞片散發出青春活力。有時候女主穿著藍色的衣服,站在紅色的燈光中,簡直是美爆了。影片中有一些鏡頭會慢慢推進,周圍的燈都暗了下來,只有一束光打在主角身上。就像戀愛中的人,全世界我都看不到,我只看得到你。小編最愛的場景是兩人在Rialto Theatre看電影的時候,電影上演著《無因的反叛》,看著電影的兩顆心漸漸靠近。導演用特寫的鏡頭勾畫出兩人小心翼翼,卻無法阻擋的相愛了。然後兩人跑去了天文台,打開宇宙投影儀,開始跳起舞來。無限的宇宙代表著兩人無限可能的未來,在宇宙中盡情跳舞也是兩人對未來無盡的想像。

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Pic via Elle


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Pic via Daily Mail



小編在這裡分享Mia在試鏡時唱的一首歌 “The Fools Who Dream” 的歌詞,希望大家不要放棄最初的夢想:


My aunt used to live in Paris

I remember, she used to come home and tell us

stories about being abroad and

I remember that she told us she jumped in the river once,


She smiled,

Leapt, without looking

And She tumbled into the Seine!

The water was freezing she spent a month

sneezing but said she would do it, again


Here’s to the ones who dream

Foolish, as they may seem

Here’s to the hearts that ache

Here’s to the mess we make


She captured a feeling

Sky with no ceiling

Sunset inside a frame

She lives in her liquor

and died with a flicker

I’ll always remember the flame


Here’s to the ones who dream

Foolish, as they may seem

Here’s to the hearts that ache

Here’s to the mess we make


She told me: A bit of madness is key

to give us to color to see

Who knows where it will lead us?

And that’s why they need us,

So bring on the rebels

The ripples from pebbles

The painters, and poets, and plays


And here’s to the fools who dream

Crazy, as they may seem

Here’s to the hearts that break

Here’s to the mess we make


I trace it all back, to that

Her, and the snow, and the sand

Smiling through it

She said She’d do it,





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