研究新發現!!存在蜥腳形類恐龍名為 Musankwa sanyatiensis

| June 6, 2024 | 0 Comments


Musankwa sanyatiensis leg bones as they were discovered in the ground on Spurwing Island, Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe.

NY professor part of team that discovered dinosaur fossil in Zimbabwe

An assistant professor from New York’s Stony Brook University on Long Island was part of a team of scientists that discovered a new species of dinosaur in 2018 in Zimbabwe, according to a paper describing the find. (Credit: Handout/Atashni Moopen/Paul Barrett/Barrett et al. 2024, Atashni Moopen)

根據這種恐龍在恐龍家族的位置,Musankwa sanyatiensis 是 Zimbabwe 的第一種此類恐龍。因此,它突顯了該地區進行更多古生物學發現的潛力。



資訊參考:ABC 7

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