
| December 8, 2015 | 0 Comments


keywords: universal studio, harry potter, 環球影城, 洛杉磯, 哈利波特, 主題樂園, 開幕

WWoHP castle - grand opening 4-7-16

小編今早接收到來自環球影城(Universal Studios Hollywood)官方的消息,宣佈哈利波特主題樂園的開幕時間為2016年4月7號,星期四

It’s official:  “The Wizarding World of Harry Potter™” will open at Universal Studios Hollywood on Thursday, April 7, 2016, marking the highly-anticipated arrival of the West Coast’s dynamic new immersive experience at The Entertainment Capital of L.A.

雖然這距離《哈利波特》第一本書出刊已有十餘年了,但好事總不怕晚,這個主題樂園真真切切地落成在南加州還是讓粉絲們喜不自勝呀!這次環球影城還請來了Luna Lovegood拍攝一段樂園開幕的視頻:

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Grand Opening Date Revealed – youtube Video

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