
| October 18, 2019 | 0 Comments

Image via Michelin Guide

$40 美元能吃什麼?其實 $40 美元在紐約也能吃到米其林質素的美食!你只需跟著《米其林指南紐約2020》必比登推介名單(Bib Gourmand),就能吃盡紐約價格既大眾化又高品質的美食~

Image via Shutterstock

由米其林指南推出的《必比登推介名單》主要推薦價格大眾化、但高品質美食的餐廳。一般價格定在 $40 美元(不含稅與小費),而當中包括前菜、主菜與甜點/一杯酒。

2020 紐約市《必比登推介名單》已於本週新鮮出爐,合共有 133 家餐廳上榜。不過這個最新版本跟過往不同的是,名單上的餐廳不只來自紐約五大行政區,而是將版圖擴大至 Westchester County 喔!

Image via Michelin Guide

今年名單上最讓人驚訝是從 2013 年起開始獲得米其林一星的 Cafe China 竟然出現在名單上,也意味著 Cafe China 不會出現在將於 10 月 21 日公佈的《米其林指南紐約2020》。



Amelie (Upper West Side)
Angkor (Upper East Side)
Atla (Greenwich and West Village)**Atlas Kitchen (Upper West Side)
Atoboy (Gramercy, Flatiron, and Union Square)
Baker & Co. (Greenwich and West Village)
Bar Primi (East Village)
**Bohemian Spirit (Upper East Side)
**Cafe China (Midtown East)
Cervo’s (Lower East Side)
Cho Dang Gol (Midtown West)
Ciccio (SoHo and Nolita)
Congee Village (Lower East Side)
Dim Sum Go Go (Chinatown and Little Italy)
DOMODOMO (Greenwich and West Village)
Don Antonio by Starita (Midtown West)
Donostia (East Village)
Double Zero (East Village)
The Flower Shop (Lower East Side)
HanGawi (Midtown East)
Hao Noodle & Tea (Greenwich and West Village)
High Street on Hudson (Greenwich and West Village)
Hunan Bistro (East Village)
Hwa Yuan (Chinatown)
JG Melon (Upper East Side)
Jin Ramen (Harlem, Morningside, and Washington Heights)
Katz’s (Lower East Side)
Khe-Yo (Tribeca)
Kiki’s (Lower East Side)
Kubeh (West Village)
Kung Fu Little Steamed Buns Ramen (Midtown West)
Little Alley (Midtown East)
Luzzo’s (East Village)
MáLà Project (East Village)
Momofuku Noodle Bar (East Village)
Momofuku Ssäm Bar (East Village)
New Malaysia (Chinatown and Little Italy)
**Nonna Beppa (Soho and Nolita)
Norma Gastronomia Siciliana (Midtown East)
Nyonya (Chinatown and Little Italy)
**O:N (Gramercy, Flatiron, and Union Square)
Oso (Harlem, Morningside, and Washington Heights)
Pinch Chinese (Soho)
Pippali (Gramercy, Flatiron, and Union Square)
Prune (East Village)
Ribalta (Greenwich and West Village)
Rubirosa (SoHo and Nolita)
**Ruffian (East Village)
Russ & Daughters Cafe (Lower East Side)
San Matteo (Upper East Side)
Sip Sak (Midtown East)
Soba-Ya (East Village)
Somtum Der (East Village)
Tang Hot Pot (Lower East Side)
Tomino (Chinatown)
Tonchin (Midtown West)
Turkish Kitchen (Gramercy, Flatiron, and Union Square)
Ulivo (Gramercy)
Una Pizza Napoletana (Lower East Side)
**Van Da (East Village)
**Violet (East Village)
Zoma (Harlem, Morningside, and Washington Heights)


(下頁繼續看 2020 紐約市《必比登推介名單》!)

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