Shake Shack 推出全新素食漢堡和非奶製巧克力奶昔及乳凍

Image via Shake Shack
在紐約進行廣泛過測試後,Shake Shack 近日在全美推出了三款素食產品:Veggie Shack 素食漢堡、Non-Dairy Chocolate Shake 非奶製巧克力奶昔和 Non-Dairy Frozen Custard 非奶製乳凍。

Image via Shake Shack
Veggie Shack
The Veggie Shack is here!
…And it's packed with mushrooms, sweet potatoes, carrots, farro, and quinoa, and topped with American cheese, crispy onions, pickles and ShackSauce.
Shack App users can get it first—from now 'til Friday!— SHAKE SHACK (@shakeshack) May 2, 2023
這款素食漢堡裡面裝滿了蘑菇、紅薯、胡蘿蔔、法羅麥和藜麥,上面覆蓋著美國奶酪、炸洋蔥、酸黃瓜和 ShackSauce。由烹飪團隊花費五年心血精心打造,口味值得一試!參考售價為每份$8.29。

Image via Shake Shack
Non-Dairy Chocolate Shake
這款非乳製奶昔飲料以由植物性 NotMilk 製成的蛋羹乳凍爲基礎,它以手工製作,富有巧克力口味和奶油般綿密顈的口感 。參考售價為$6.39。
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