2014度 Super Bowl 廣告 Top 10! (排名不分先後)

| February 3, 2014 | 0 Comments


一年一度的 Super Bowl 剛剛過去了, 除了 Seahawks 大勝 Broncos (43對8 這個差異也太過分了點) 和 Bruno Mars 的精彩表演外, 就是萬眾期待的豪華廣告集!

集合了搞笑﹑可愛﹑性感﹑溫馨等不同類型, 這就來讓小編為大家整理一下本年度最值得看的 Super Bowl 廣告吧!


1. Budweiser: 溫馨滿分!

(沒有人能抵擋得了動物之間的友情… 看完心揪了一下~)

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2. Volkswagen: 送工程師一雙翅膀


ARVE Error: API endpoint returned a 403 error. This can occur when a video has embedding disabled or restricted to certain domains.


3. Kia: Matrix 再現

(你… 到底會選藍色還是紅色呢?)

ARVE Error: API endpoint returned a 403 error. This can occur when a video has embedding disabled or restricted to certain domains.


4. Coca Cola: 推崇民族平等

(雖然引起了不少輿論, 但小編還是滿喜歡這個理念的)

ARVE Error: The video is likely no longer available. (The API endpoint returned a 404 error)


5. H & M: Beckham 魅力沒法擋

(最後小內內是破掉了嗎? 是破掉了吧!)

ARVE Error: The video is likely no longer available. (The API endpoint returned a 404 error)


6. Doritos: 小男孩可愛變身~


ARVE Error: The video is likely no longer available. (The API endpoint returned a 404 error)


7. Microsoft: 展示科技力量


ARVE Error: The video is likely no longer available. (The API endpoint returned a 404 error)


8. Axe Peace: 當這個世界沒有戰爭

(廣告可以說是跟產品一點關係都沒有, 但小編喜歡!)

ARVE Error: API endpoint returned a 403 error. This can occur when a video has embedding disabled or restricted to certain domains.


9. Jaguar: 性感壞勢力集結

(不行了! 小編對性感的英式發音毫無抵抗力啊!!!!!)

ARVE Error: API endpoint returned a 403 error. This can occur when a video has embedding disabled or restricted to certain domains.


10. Cheerios: 回歸平實家庭小溫馨

(看著普通家庭的日常, 心中一股暖流慢慢的滲透了出來)

ARVE Error: API endpoint returned a 403 error. This can occur when a video has embedding disabled or restricted to certain domains.




影片來源: YouTube



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Category: Entertainment娛樂, Whats Hot

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