
| June 3, 2014 | 0 Comments

Mean Tweets 是 Jimmey Kimmel 节目里非常受欢迎的一个单元。大约是在 2012 年开始,Jimmy Kimmel 便会时不时的邀请好莱坞的明星们们亲口念出网友们在 Twitter 上攻击他们的评语。虽然有些话非常伤人,非常俱有攻击性,但有些也是挺有创意的。有些大明星可以一笑置之,而有些则趁机骂了回去!!




  1. Julia Roberts (Erin Brockovich)
  2. Don Cheadle (Iron Man)
  3. Ashton Kutcher (Jobs)
  4. Courteney Cox (Friends)
  5. Andy Garcia (Ocean’s 12 and 13)
  6. Mindy Kaling (This is the end, Despicable me, Wreck-it Ralph)
  7. David Blaine (David Blain 是一位知名魔术师)
  8. Don Rickles (The tonight show starring Johnny Carson)
  9. Ethan Hawke (Before Sunset, Training Day)
  10. Matthew McConaughey (The wolf of wall street, Dallas Buyers Club)
  11. June Squibb (Nebraska, Glee)
  12. Jeremy Piven (Entouage, Old School)
  13. Kit Harington (Game of Thrones, Silent Hill)
  14. Emma Stone (The Amazing Spider-man)
  15. Gary Oldman (The Dark Knight Rises, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins)
  16. Sofia Vergara (Modern Family)



蛮喜欢 Emma Stone, Matthew McConaughey 和 Sofia Vergara 的小编 drumsmusouka

图片来源: google



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