迎接2024奥运会,Krispy Kreme 甜甜圈新款巴黎风~

| July 17, 2024 | 0 Comments
Krispy Kreme unveils new Parisian-themed donuts ahead of 2024 Olympics – youtube Video

Krispy Kreme带领粉丝们的味蕾前往巴黎,一起高喊“Ooh la la”!!

Krispy Kreme announces Olympics-theme ‘Passport to Paris’ doughnuts ahead of 2024 Olympics.

正值巴黎奥运会即将来临之际,Krispy Kreme宣布推出全新巴黎甜点灵感甜甜圈系列。

Krispy Kreme announced Monday the Passport to Paris doughnut collection, which features three new doughnut flavors inspired by Parisian desserts. © Courtesy of Krispy Kreme




  • 焦糖布丁甜甜圈:未上釉的空心甜甜圈,内含焦糖布丁 KREME 馅料,浸在焦糖布丁糖衣中,并覆以焦糖化糖脆。
  • 双重巧克力闪电泡芙甜甜圈:未上釉的空心甜甜圈,内填巧克力卡仕达 KREME 馅料,浸在巧克力糖衣中,并覆以巧克力脆珠。
  • 覆盆子香草奶油甜甜圈:原味釉面甜甜圈,浸在覆盆子糖衣和饼干碎中,并点缀香草KREME。


A signature latte blended with Crème Brûlée flavors, topped with whipped cream, and sprinkled with caramelized sugar crunch pieces. (Krispy Kreme)

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