
| August 21, 2015 | 0 Comments


近期的美國同志婚姻合法化,性別平權議題和社會弱勢族群受到重視討論與支持,英國沃里克大學的划船校隊隊員們從2009年開始力挺 Sport Allies計畫,個個肌肉結實的男隊員們,脫去衣裳露出壯碩身材,全裸拍攝年度日曆為Sport Allies募款,當然,女性划船隊隊員們也不惶多讓,露出健美體態一起抵抗反同性戀團體。在日曆一系列照片釋出後,女性隊員拍攝的照片竟被臉書以刊登色情圖片為由禁止刊登,即使多數照片只是捕捉女性隊員的背影和巧妙地詮釋胸部正影,然而,男性隊員的系列照片卻沒受到檢舉,不禁讓人聯想這不是就是另一個性別不平等的實例?


A picture used in the nude charity calendar. A female university rowing club have been banned from Facebook after their nude charity calendar was branded as PORNOGRAPHY. See NTI story NTIROWERS. The students from The University of Warwick Rowing Society ditched their life jackets for a cheeky shoot and sold 1,500 of their 2014 calendars raising thousands of pounds for charity. Featuring 17 members from the posh uni, the girls frolicked completely naked by the River Avon and their boat house in Barford, Warks. The cash-strapped students managed to raise an incredible £3,400 for Macmillan Cancer Support by drumming up advertising on social media sites. They posted some of their tastefully-shot nude photos on both Facebook and Twitter in order to gain fans from all across the globe. But now the sexy rowers have been left devastated after Facebook completely removed their page ëWarwick Rowingís Womenís Naked Calendarí for it's "explicitly sexual content."




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