馅饼吃到饱!Dominique Ansel超人气Pie Night即将举行

| September 5, 2018 | 0 Comments

每次去 Dominique Ansel 除了要吃超人气的 Cronut 外,还一定要吃馅饼?那么 Dominique Ansel Bakery 即将举行的馅饼吃到饱活动 Pie Night 你绝不能错过!

一年一度的 Pie Night 即将于 9 月 12 日至 10 月 4 日每周三、四举行,届时一系列的甜味馅饼与咸味馅饼无限量任你吃,包括:

  • Home-style Chicken Pot Pie with Butter Biscuit Crust
  • Slow Braised Pork Shank Pie with Potatoes, Onions, and Cognac
  • Artichoke & White Cheddar Pie
  • Fennel Sausage and Tomato Pie with Sage and Melted Mozzarella
  • Wild Mushroom Sherry Cottage Pie with Creamy Parsnip Purée
  • Vanilla Bean Flan with a hint of Dark Caribbean Rum
  • Salted Caramel Harvest Apple Pie
  • Nutella Angel Cream Pie with Whipped Sour Cream Mousse
  • Stone Fruit Pie with Honey Guava Mousse & Raspberry Jam
  • Warm Chocolate Poached Pear Pie

每晚 Pie Night 将会分三个时段,包括 7-8pm、8:15pm-9:15pm 与 9:30pm-10:30pm,每时段一小时。

有兴趣的朋友们现时可到 pienight.dominiqueanselkitchen.com 预约,一人价钱为 $55 美元,最多购买六张门票。

【Dominique Ansel Bakery】

  • 地址:189 Spring Street (between Sullivan and Thompson) New York, NY 10012
  • 时间:Mon-Thurs 8am-7pm|Fri-Sat 8am-8pm|Sun 9am-7pm
  • 官网:dominiqueansel.com



资讯来源:Food & Wine

图片来源:Dominique Ansel



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