
| September 6, 2017 | 0 Comments
Photographer does photo shoot of the REAL Justice League!

Ok here it is! My ultimate passion project. Took my wife Roxana and I two months to finish. These kids are amazing! This is what the REAL Justice League looks like! Link to the full story is in the comments below. Credits: Photographer and digital artist Josh Rossi Photography Costumes Julie Whiteley Second shooter Richard Meade Digital artist on Cyborg model Mike Campau Digital Imagery Prints Nichols Photo Lab Wonder Woman Costume Jennifer McGrew Producer Roxana Mendoza Rossi MUA Eve Keener Bts video Emily Julander Assistant Thayne Wheeler Studio STUDIO o2o

Josh Rossi Photography 贴上了 2017年8月22日

image via Josh Rossi Photography

摄影师 Josh Rossi 和他的太太 Roxana 花了两个月的时间,完成了这个超激励人心专案~他们成功组织一队年轻版的「正义联盟」,队伍里面有超人、神力女超人、蝙蝠侠…等多位脍炙人口的角色,而扮演这些超级英雄的,在他们的现实人生中也是扎扎实实的超级英雄!


这些孩童有些患有癌症、或是出生时便只有半个心脏、其他像是罕见神经癌症、过动儿、双脚截肢、以及白血病等病患,小小年纪却面临许多现实的残酷。一开始,Josh Rossi 是帮自己3岁大的女儿拍了几组照片,现在,他透过这个专案,帮助这些患有疾病的儿童,摇身一变成为超级英雄,组成了真正的正义联盟!


想要阅读完整专案请点这里,透过这次的作品, Josh Rossi 和 Roxana 希望帮助这些孩子们寻找内在的力量,同时带给他们更多的笑容,将身上的弱点转化成更坚强的力量!


资料来源:Josh Rossi Photography



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Category: Whats Hot, 家庭 Family, 影Movie, 亲子Kids

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