大心!警员在Grand Central Parkway营救受惊猫咪!

| December 24, 2015 | 0 Comments
NYPD Highway Officer Saves Cat

A Worthwhile Traffic Jam An NYPD Highway Unit officer stopped traffic last Friday to help save a cat that accidentally wandered on to the Grand Central Parkway in rush hour traffic -- #ItsWhatWeDo. Cat and cop are now new friends and doing well!

Posted by NYPD on Wednesday, December 23, 2015

近年纽约市警察局(NYPD)的作风做事备受争议,即使如此当中也一定有善良有爱心的警员。上周五,一名警员在皇后区中央公园大道(Grand Central Parkway)营救受困高速公路的猫咪。影片近日被贴至纽约市警察局Facebook,受到不少人激赞!nypd-saves-cat


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