1月6日,美國登記了迄今為止新冠病毒最高單日死亡記錄,近 3,900 名 COVID-19 患者逝世。
L.A. hospitals are so overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients they're developing plans to decide whom to treat and whom to let die. The L.A. Times Editorial Board wrote in April about and the right way — and the many wrong ways — to ration emergency treatment. https://t.co/mR3t6uFYAP
— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) January 8, 2021
Santa Clara Valley Regional Medical Center 的急診室醫生 Dr. Jeffrey Chien 表示 “Folks are gasping for breath. Folks look like they’re drowning when they are in bed right in front of us,” ( 人們都在喘息,病患們看起來像是正在溺水,然而他們就躺在我們面前的病床上) ,他敦促大家,儘己之力幫助減緩疫情傳播。 “I’m begging everyone to help us out because we aren’t the front line. We’re the last line.”( 我懇求大家幫助我們,因為我們並非前線,而是最後一道防線!)
“I’m begging everyone to help us out because we aren’t the front line. We’re the last line.” — Dr. Jeffrey Chien, an emergency room physician at Santa Clara Valley Regional Medical Center.
Learn more from @AP | https://t.co/fZOQFSMRwa
— KERA News (@keranews) January 8, 2021
根據 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 美國疾病控制和預防中心的數據,至週四(1月7日),至少已有590萬美國人接種了第一針 COVID-19 疫苗,單日增加約60萬人次。然而仍有數億人將需要接種疫苗以阻止新冠疫情。

Screenshot via coronavirus.jhu.edu
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