Tag: cheesecake

店员全体一致大推👍超夯到一扫而空的舅舅家新品 CHEESECAKES 你跟风了吗?

| May 10, 2024 | 0 Comments
店员全体一致大推👍超夯到一扫而空的舅舅家新品 CHEESECAKES 你跟风了吗?


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Popeyes 回归 Blueberry Lemon Cream Cheese Fried Pie 蓝莓柠檬奶油芝士派和 Strawberry Cheesecake Cup 草莓芝士蛋糕杯

| January 11, 2023 | 0 Comments
Popeyes 回归 Blueberry Lemon Cream Cheese Fried Pie 蓝莓柠檬奶油芝士派和 Strawberry Cheesecake Cup 草莓芝士蛋糕杯


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Cheesecake Factory 推出全新 Classic Basque Cheesecake

| August 1, 2022 | 0 Comments
Cheesecake Factory 推出全新 Classic Basque Cheesecake

在品味 🍰 美味蛋糕之余,还能为慈善出一份力 💪

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National Cheesecake Day 今天的甜点就是他!

| July 30, 2020 | 0 Comments
National Cheesecake Day 今天的甜点就是他!


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Weekday限定优惠!Cheesecake Factory免费起司蛋糕送到你门前

| February 27, 2020 | 0 Comments
Weekday限定优惠!Cheesecake Factory免费起司蛋糕送到你门前

最近下午茶不知道吃什么?那么免费的 Cheesecake Factory 起司蛋糕又如何呢?

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Uncle Tetsu要来囉!日本人气起司蛋糕店纽约开幕

| January 25, 2019 | 0 Comments
Uncle Tetsu要来囉!日本人气起司蛋糕店纽约开幕


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Cheesecake Factory万圣节好康优惠!消费满$30即送你起士蛋糕 (10/29-31)

| October 19, 2018 | 0 Comments
Cheesecake Factory万圣节好康优惠!消费满$30即送你起士蛋糕 (10/29-31)

Trick or Treat?这个万圣节 The Cheesecake Factory 将会给你满满的 Treat 喔!

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The Cheesecake Factory起司蛋糕菜单将迎来两款新口味! 哪一款你最期待?

| July 5, 2018 | 0 Comments
The Cheesecake Factory起司蛋糕菜单将迎来两款新口味! 哪一款你最期待?


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送送送! Cheesecake Factory 要请你吃免费蛋糕! 怎么拿? 看内文! (Dec. 6th)

| December 4, 2017 | 0 Comments
送送送! Cheesecake Factory 要请你吃免费蛋糕! 怎么拿? 看内文! (Dec. 6th)

怎么拿? 看内文!

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| July 15, 2013 | 0 Comments

意大利面是来自意大利吗?听名字看似是….. 薯条「French Fries」是来自法国吗?看似是……

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